
“As a deer pants for flowing streams (ad fontes aquarum), so pants my soul for you, O God.”

— Psalm 42.1 ESV (41.2 in the Latin Vulgate)

Ad Fontes (pronounced ad ‘font•es) is Latin, meaning, quite literally, “to [the] sources,” a rallying cry of Reformation thought that led scholars to perceive their world through critical evaluations of historic written monuments. It was this return “to the sources” that drew men like Wycliffe, Luther, and Calvin, among others, to critique and revise the Church and the leading institutions of their day in light of the Bible.

The mission of Ad Fontes Press (AFP) is to reform the worldview of the Church and our society (starting in Portland, Oregon) by encouraging faith in the validity and authority of God’s written word and by promoting trust in God’s character through the publication of evangelistic and educational media. AFP defends the Bible’s place of authority in the Church and testifies to its universal truth and persistent relevance for our day.

Our Mission: Challenge the Church, Equip the Saints

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.

— 2 Corinthians 10.5 ESV

By Dismantling False Assumptions

Our mission is both destructive and constructive. Though “we destroy arguments,” we do not leave heads empty. As we arrest thoughts and bring them under obedience to Christ, we encourage the Church to assess her purpose and mission in light of what God has explicitly revealed.

The Church is to stand firm against cultural ambiguity and confusion, amidst every “wind of doctrine” (Eph 4.4), and above this watching world’s opinion, so that she can discern what God would have her think and do in the here and now.

By Distinguishing Secular Values from those of God’s Kingdom

Every so often, a bank or a government needs an audit to gauge their success and to hold them to account. This is true for our Church as well, who needs to be held to the standards of God’s written word and to her own stated values.

By Framing Contemporary and Controversial Issues through the Bible

Since our mission takes us into the world, we dig at the roots of the world’s traditions and its contemporary thoughts and practices, so that we can frame current events and controversial issues from a scriptural lens.

By Demonstrating and Illustrating Scriptural Norms

Words have real power, and whoever defines or demonstrates the meaning of words can dictate the stories we live by. Though Scripture has a limited vocabulary, the words therein require constant definition since cultural forces tend to erode their significance or reshape them into the world’s mold.

Since the Church has inherited an authoritative and limited scriptural canon, the meaning of biblical words are fixed in time. This allows linguistic science to describe the language as it sits insitu. Only when the biblical languages are carefully described can their concepts be potently prescribed with any authority.

Ad Fontes Press is intent on disseminating knowledge of the Bible and its values . . .

  1. by publishing technical studies that investigate biblical language and themes and how they might find expression in and through the church.

  2. by publishing videos, essays, and tracts that inform opinions and draw believers into alignment with scriptural norms.

  3. by demonstrating the Bible’s great themes through literature and the arts.

How Ad Fontes Press Equips

Ad Fontes Press equips believers in biblical training and teaching for personal growth, evangelism, and discipleship.

Teaching Christian doctrine

We aim to establish new believers in a biblical worldview. A Foundations course (forthcoming), consisting of several series of short videos and covering every topic of Christian doctrine, conveniently instructs viewers in the basics of the Gospel, addresses certain apologetic concerns, and recommends practical application where applicable.

Training the next generation of Bible teachers

Ad Fontes Press produces materials that help Bible students in their studies and equip them to be effective Bible teachers. Topics include . . .

  • Textual criticism,
  • Biblical languages,
  • Exegesis and Hermeneutics,
  • Systematic theology,
  • Christian and Church doctrine,
  • Apologetics.

Building tools for accurate and efficient Bible study

Ad Fontes Press creates resources to help the careful study of Scripture.

Creating a collaborative space

We facilitate believers who look for and share strategies for expressive evangelism and effective discipleship.